Sunday, July 2, 2017

Hair Styling Make Easier
Round Brush- Perfect, Works Great

I always use a round brush to style my hair and then finish up with a curling brush or iron.  I was looking for a new brush and what caught my eye was the rose gold coloring on this brush.  Upon further reading I saw that it attached to the hair dryer.  I have never used or saw this kind of brush.  I decided to take the chance and try out the brush.  What a difference this brush makes.  My hair drying and styling are cut in half with the brush.  My hair is less frizzy and looks so much fuller.  I just attach the one end of the brush to the dryer and the other end to the brush.  The brush is thermo ceramic ion which is so much better for your hair.  I have so many different brushes and curling irons and I find using this brush provides me with the fullness and curls I want.  I have fine hair and the brush works wonders on my hair style.  My daughter has that wavy, curly thick hair and I used the brush on her and the results were amazing.  Her hair was no longer frizzy.  It does take a little time getting use to using the brush.  An exceptional value for your styling needs.  I am so happy that I ordered this brush.  #review #sponsored #ad #TopNotchTesters


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